Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Dealing with the current career....when so close to a new career....

Being stuck in a career you don't want to be in, because your going to be moving into a new and exciting career is difficult. Actually difficult is too soft a word, but I can't seem to articulate a word to explain the frustration and annoyance of daily existence. Its quite a unique feeling as well, knowing that all the study you have done and all the wealth of experience you have in that given area will be eradicated when you begin your new career. It is a liberating feeling.

Returning to the topic at hand, I am not beginning my Law degree until the beginning of October, and until that time I have to remain in my current job in IT. The problem is day to day its hard to even keep myself motivated, a perfect example is that I am currently sitting at my desk writting this blog, (yes you guessed it) whilst at work. Don't misconstrue my attitude to work, before I decided to move into Law I was a diligent, hard working employee, ok I am biased but I believed I was, even now I work hard, but I know I can push so much more out of this cranium of mine. So I find it HIGHLY frustrating in the world of IT when people call up with stupid questions I will present to you one true to life scenario, it actually occurred earlier this morning.

"Hi, IT"
"Yeah hi, my computer thing won't turn on..."
"Ok we need to try and ascertain the problem through a process of elimination..."
(person cuts in)
"Can't you just fix it..!"
"Er..I need to work out the problem first then I can fix it"
"Well I just want it fixed I don't have time to mess around"
"Well if you would just...let..me..."
"Forget it, I will use a colleagues machine, you have been no help at all!!"

This was a conversation I had with a senior manager in the company at 7:25am this morning, I will put it down to the person getting out of the wrong side of the bed, but my god did it piss me off. The conversation has been HEAVILY edited, it went on alot longer, where I had to explain what a power cable was, and even what a plug looked like. It doesn't really help when I am desperately trying to remain productive.

There are many MANY more like it, another reason to put on my imaginary list of reasons to leave IT

1 comment:

Poker Bonus said...

Yes you the talented person