Part time law work...can you help Law Apprentice?
So as you might have read from yesterday's blog I am making many sacrifices to push my mature student rag of a body through University. My main plan is to try and secure some kind of part time work within the Legal arena, to give me that headstart when applying for training contracts and work. The main problem is that there just doesn't seem to be any permanent part-time work in that area. Or is there?
I have looked quite alot, but being honest to myself not as extensively as I could have. So I am kind of putting the question out to any readers.
Do you know of any permanent part time legal work in the London/Kent area? It doesn't have to be amazing work, it could just involve photocopying or running errands, anything really, just something that gives me some extra cash but at the same time allows me the exposure to the workings of a legal environment. To be honest I am even considering full time work, but I am not sure how you enter a law firm or legal magazine without any experience. Maybe I should try and get an IT job in a law firm and then push my knowledge through that?
I realise this is putting myself out there, throwing myself on the mercy of the blogging world, but I thought why not? Some of my readers are probably more experienced and more knowledgeable of the Law world than I am, and tapping into that information channel would be a great idea.
The key reason for getting this part time work, is that I can foresee an interview with a major law firm in the future querying me for any Law experience I have, and why they think they should hire a mature student with extensive IT experience into a law firm....I want to nip that potential recruitment cyanide before its swallowed along with my potential employment prospects
My next port of call is querying my local courts or local law firms for any work that involves cleaning toilet bowls or scraping chewing gum off partners shoes.
So if you can help leave a comment, if not then I appreciate that you read the blog.
I will carry on this work, money, studies, life blog tomorrow
Good luck with it!
It's nice to see someone keen to break into the law amid the workaday cynicism of friends and colleagues.
Then again it can feel a bit like the besieged fortress, with those on the outside clamouring to get in, and those on the inside desperate to escape out.
I think its easy to be negative about any aspect of work, but you have to try and find the positives inside the jungle of negatives, if you don't you just end up being depressed or unhappy with what you do
As long as you realised there will be aspects of any work you will hate, then you won't be disappointed. I guess its just your mental approach to those situations that separate happier, enthusiastic people from the less fortunate stifled people
Christ I sound like a counsellor
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